Hello Going Expat people,

as already done for Father’s Day, today we will talk about Mother’s Day. Together we will see some examples of how it is celebrated in the world and I also respond to a curiosity that maybe you too have:

why is the day dedicated to mothers in May?

we will see shortly that not the whole world celebrates mother’s day on the same day, but everyone does it in May. Why?

The answer has historical and cultural roots that vary from country to country. But let’s see together some of the main reasons:

Spring: May is often associated with spring in the northern hemisphere, when nature awakens after winter. It is a time of rebirth and renewal, similar to the concept of motherhood and the new life that mothers bring into the world.
Religious traditions: In many countries, Mother’s Day is linked to religious celebrations, such as the Christian feast of Our Lady. The month of May is traditionally dedicated to the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, and this influenced the choice of May to celebrate mothers.
Flower Season: May is also a month when many flowers bloom, offering a variety of options for floral gifts. Flowers are often associated with beauty, delicacy and love, elements that you want to express to mothers during this holiday.

As we have just said, therefore, the days may vary but May is the month of mothers.

In Italy, the Netherlands, the United States, Japan the date falls on the second Sunday of the month, in Spain it is brought forward to the first Sunday of the month, in Great Britain it will be the fourth Sunday of Lent and in France mothers are celebrated on the last Sunday of May. In Mexico, finally, there is a fixed date regardless of the day of the week on which it falls, and it is the 10 May

In principle, the day is spent with the family and mothers receive flowers and greeting cards.

The schools also take care of making the day special, so children come home from class with a card and a handmade gift.

How do you celebrate this day?

If you like traditions, do not miss the blog page dedicated to them!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for more curiosity and info about the Netherlands and more!

A hug to all mothers.
